
Locavesting  |  October 26, 2020 How place-based strategies in Virginia and other states are leveraging private capital for public good
Oct 27, 2020

The Virginia Impact Investing Ecosystem Mapping

A new report from the Virginia Impact Investing Forum, housed within Batten’s SE@UVA, found $19 billion in Virginia impact capital but tens of billions more on the sidelines that could be unlocked with more convening, training, and sharing of success stories. Christine Mahoney, director of SE@UVA explains how universities can connect the dots between impact investors and social entrepreneurs and do it in a cost-efficient way.

Sep 09, 2019

Impact Investing in Action: Appalachia

Driving through Southwest Virginia, Richard Tadler, a venture capitalist and UVA graduate, was able to see firsthand some of the challenges that Virginia’s rural communities are facing; but more importantly, he was struck by the opportunities they present both for impact investors interested in facilitating economic growth at a time of transition, and for UVA students to learn about all the exciting sustainable economic development going on in their own backyard.

Garrett Hall at Sunset

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