
Craig Volden
Mar 06, 2020

Productive Politicians Fare Better in Primaries

Now that Super Tuesday is behind us, voters can look forward to another primary in the spring – this time for Congressional candidates. As a professor of public policy and politics at the Batten School and co-director of the Center for Effective Lawmaking, Craig Volden has studied what factors make for a successful candidate and drawn some conclusions about this state’s congressional delegation.

Students participate in a simulation
Feb 13, 2020

Simulation Learning Takes Students Out of the Classroom and Into the Middle of Public Crises

Every year, hundreds of master’s candidates from member institutions of NASPAA — the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration — participate in the NASPAA-Batten Student Simulation Competition, co-hosted by Batten's Center for Leadership Simulation and Gaming, to see who can devise the best solutions to international crises.

Garrett Hall at Sunset

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