Past Events

Batten Reads: Celebrating Juneteenth
June 18, 2021 / 10:30–11:30AM
UVA’s Memorial to Enslaved Laborers and the Garden of Pavilion X

Please join Batten School Dean Ian Solomon as he marks Juneteenth (a day early) with reflection and celebration on Friday, June 18, from 10:30–11:30AM.

Please join us for a panel discussion about the important work Batten faculty do to strengthen our relationship within the Charlottesville community. UVA President Jim Ryan will provide opening remarks and Dean Ian Solomon will moderate a panel of Batten faculty and Charlottesville community leaders.


A panel of experts on law, international affairs, and political science analyze constitutional crises in the United States, comparing them to the experiences of other countries. Panelists will tackle such important questions as: What is a constitutional crisis? Has the United States experienced one recently? What are the triggers or warning signs of a constitutional crisis? And how can we prevent them in the future?


All alumni, parents, and friends are invited to join us for a discussion on pathways to decarbonizing Virginia and the global economy. The panel of experts, all with strong ties to UVA and its mission of informed public service, will discuss the surge in enthusiasm for rapid decarbonization on Grounds, in the private sector, and among NGOs. The conversation will focus on the central importance of innovation, entrepreneurship, and a commitment to public service, all hallmarks of Hoos everywhere.
